Thursday, August 22, 2013

Home Sweet Home

After almost two months of getting married, I am finally just about done unpacking. We decided it would be a good idea to move into a new place the same month we got married. Well, not only the same month but TWO WEEKS before. Well, since we didn't live together he moved in two weeks before and I moved in my stuff a week before the wedding.
He unpacked almost immediately. I however, I have lots of CRAP. There are things I should probably get rid of, but I find some sort of emotional attachment to everything I own.
To add to the stress of moving in, I married a neat freak. He's the Felix and I'm the Oscar. I'm not a slob or anything, I just don't mind a few things on the floor.
 So I have decided that pinterest will be my savior. I am pinning things to help me get organized. My days off have been dedicated to that. Except of course, I have been "pinning" and not cleaning. And now, I've decided to BLOG on my wifey learning experiences. SO the past 20 minutes I could have spent cleaning, I decided to blog. I'm crazy I know.
BTW, before I forget to mention. I'm learning how to cook as well, so maybe I should post some of my cooking on here as well.
Wow, my husband must really love me if he married a not-so neat, non cooking, woman.

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